MSHSL State Tournament
Advertise in the 2018 State Tournament Guidebook
Sponsor a Team/Section in our 2018 State Tournament Guidebook

(Lakeville North vs Eden Prairie in 2017 tourney – Photo Jeff Wegge)
Sponsor a Team/Section in our 2018 State Tournament Guidebook
Minnesota Hockey Magazine has a special offer for you!
We want to get copies of our special Minnesota High School Boys State Tournament issue into the hands of the teams (and their fans) who make it to the State Tournament. This is your chance to get in the game and sponsor your team’s profile page in our issue. (At this time we are only looking for commitments – we will place your ad only if your team makes it to state.)
Right now, the seedings for the Sections are set and we see that your high school team has a solid chance of making it to state. If your team makes it to state, we want to have your ad next to your team’s page and we will provide up to 100 copies of our keepsake magazines to the team in your name. When your team makes the tourney, besides your ad, we will personalize with a flyer that will be inserted next to your ad.
Special Offer – Tourney Guide Team page Sponsorship. Here’s how it works. Buy a Full-page ad in the tournament guidebook, and with your ad next to the section champion, we will provide 100 magazines to the team as a congratulations on a great season from you. We will also provide a flyer and will hand insert the 5.5 x 8.5 special thank you from you next to your ad. Total Investment: only $500.
Please join us this year and get in the game with affordable advertising. In addition to every competing team receiving copies, we also have solid distribution in both print and digital. We are delivering hundreds of copies to every major hotel in downtown St. Paul where most will be delivering to the room. Last year, all 10k printed copies were distributed. We also sent out a digital version to about 15k through our social media platforms.
Take a look at last year’s Tourney Guide issue. Just click on the cover!
Other Opportunities. We also have many other advertising opportunities for this issue. Space is limited and some premium spots have already been taken.
For full details on rates and availability that will fit every budget click =>> HERE.
Ad Dimensions and other technical details can be found =>> HERE.
Please send artwork To and Cc
Contact us today to reserve your ad space.
Commitment for the ad is needed by Friday, Feb 23 and the actual art work is due by Wednesday, Feb 28.
Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you very much for your support.
Scott Tiffany,President & Founder